Terms and Conditions of Use for the Website www.Kareitaly.com

1. Subject

The following Terms and Conditions of Use govern the access and use of this Website, www.kareitaly.com ("Website"), owned by Kosmeo S.r.l., with its registered office in Cesano Maderno (MB) 20811, via Borromeo, 29 ("Kosmeo"). These Terms and Conditions of Use apply, together with the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy, which can be accessed at the following link: Privacy Policy, for browsing within the Website. Any person accessing and/or browsing the Website ("User") should, therefore, carefully read these Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy and/or print a copy for future reference.

Using the Website, the User declares to have read, understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy and agrees to comply with them. Should the User not accept or be unable to comply with these Terms and Conditions of Use or the Privacy Policy, they must immediately cease using and/or browsing the Website.

Kosmeo reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Use by posting a notice on this Website; the modifications will take effect within the period indicated in the notice on the Website. If the User does not accept the changes, they must cease using the Website immediately.

If the User has any questions regarding the Website or the Terms and Conditions of Use or wishes to contact Kosmeo for any reason, please send an email to support_at_kareitaly.com.

2. Updates to the Website

The Website and its contents will be updated periodically at Kosmeo's discretion, but this does not guarantee that the Website or any content therein will be free from errors or omissions.

3. Access to the Website

The Website is available free of charge. Kosmeo does not guarantee that the Website or any content will always be available or uninterrupted. The Website is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Kosmeo, therefore, makes no guarantees that its use will be correct, timely, secure, and error-free. Access is provided temporarily. Kosmeo reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue, even partially, access to the Website and the services and, contents and materials published without notice and for any reason. Kosmeo will not be liable if the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period.

The Website's primary purpose is to disseminate information and the online sale of Kare brand cosmetic and personal hygiene products in quantities and qualities chosen by the consumer through the free purchase of the products presented on the Website. It is specified that the information, descriptions, and indications provided about the products offered are exclusively commercial in nature and should not be construed as substitutes for treatments or other forms of clinical and medical consultation. Therefore, the content on the Website represents a mere general indication and should not be understood as medical advice.

Kosmeo does not guarantee that the Website and its contents are correct or available in territories other than Italy. Kosmeo has the right to limit the availability of the Website to specific persons or geographic areas at any time. Access to the Website from outside the borders of the Italian Republic is at the User's own risk: Kosmeo disclaims any responsibility towards Users located outside such borders.

To access the Website, the User must have, at their own expense, access to the Internet, either directly or through devices that allow access to web content, as well as the necessary equipment for connecting to the Internet. Kosmeo does not guarantee the local, temporal, or qualitative availability of the Internet infrastructure necessary for accessing the Website or for data transfer. Access to and use of the Website is compatible with all major modern browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari).

Kosmeo does not have its own servers but relies on third-party servers. Kosmeo may, at any time, interrupt access to the Website if there are justified reasons for security and/or confidentiality assurance. The User acknowledges and agrees that Kosmeo may interrupt access to the Website without notice if it receives a communication and/or request from any competent administrative, arbitration, or judicial authority.

4. Use of the Website

The User can access the Website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, except in cases of suspension or interruption as provided in these Terms and Conditions of Use. The User agrees to use the Website solely for personal and non-commercial purposes and in compliance with current regulations, strictly avoiding:

a) Engaging in illegal or improper activities through the Website; b) Performing actions that discredit Kosmeo's image; c) Performing actions that may cause material or immaterial harm to others of any nature; d) Attempting to probe, examine, penetrate, or test the vulnerability of the Website, either through passive or invasive techniques, without the express written consent of Kosmeo; e) Using the Website to violate or contravene the laws of Italy or any other country; f) Using the Website in ways prohibited by these Terms and Conditions of Use.

The User commits to ensuring they have installed antivirus, firewall, and other appropriate security software for internet browsing and accessing this Website. Kosmeo is not responsible for the User's failure to take reasonable precautions during internet browsing and within its Website.

In particular, the User must not misuse the Website by knowingly introducing viruses or other harmful components (e.g., trojans, worms, or logic bombs). The User must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Website, the server on which the Website resides, or any server, computer, or database connected to the Website. The User must not perform "Denial-of-Service" attacks or similar. In such cases, the User may commit a crime, which will be reported to the competent authorities, and if requested, all useful information for identifying the User will be provided. If the User violates these Terms and Conditions of Use, their right to use the Website will immediately cease.

The User guarantees that the data and information transmitted to Kosmeo during registration on the Website are truthful, correct, and allow for their identification, and undertakes to communicate any changes to them to Kosmeo. If the User, at the time of registration, concealed their real identity or falsely claimed to be another person, or otherwise acted in a way that compromised the identification process, they acknowledge and accept that they will be held, including criminally, responsible for false statements and/or the use of false documentation and will also be considered solely responsible for all damages suffered by Kosmeo and/or third parties, assuming the obligation to indemnify and hold Kosmeo harmless from any claims, actions, and/or requests for compensation or damages that may be brought by anyone against them.

The User is entirely responsible for the secrecy of their access credentials to the Website (email address and password) and their preservation or use for purposes related to the Website. Kosmeo is entirely exempt from liability resulting from the use, fraudulent, or improper use of the credentials by third parties. The User must promptly notify Kosmeo of any loss or theft by third parties and/or unauthorized use by third parties of their access credentials by emailing support_at_kareitaly.com.

5. Obblighi e limiti di responsabilità di Kosmeo

Gli obblighi e le responsabilità di Kosmeo verso l’Utente sono esclusivamente quelli definiti dai presenti Termini e Condizioni generali d’uso.

L’Utente prende atto ed accetta che Kosmeo non risponda in nessun modo di alcun danno, diretto o indiretto, collaterale, particolare, consequenziale o esemplare, di qualsiasi natura o specie subito dall’Utente stesso e/o da Terzi, in conseguenza dell’utilizzo del Sito Web. In particolare, nei limiti massimi consentiti dalla legge, Kosmeo esclude espressamente qualsiasi dichiarazione, garanzia, condizione o altro, che possa applicarsi al Sito Web o a qualsiasi suo contenuto e in tale ottica Kosmeo non sarà in alcun modo responsabile della: (a) perdita di profitti, fatturato, affari, ricavi o avviamento; (b) interruzione di attività; (c) perdita di risparmi presunti; (d) perdita di avviamento, opportunità o reputazione; (e) perdita di dati; oppure (f) perdita diretta, indiretta, accidentale, consequenziale o di altra forma, in qualunque modo causata, derivante da o in connessione con i presenti Termini e Condizioni generali d’uso o l'utilizzo del Sito Web da parte dell'Utente (indipendentemente dal fatto che la richiesta di risarcimento sia presentata per violazione contrattuale, fatto illecito, violazione di obblighi di legge o per altre ragioni) o il mancato utilizzo o fruibilità del Sito Web da parte dell'Utente; (g) qualsiasi interruzione o cessazione delle trasmissioni da o verso il Sito Web; (h) qualsiasi bug, virus, trojan o simili che possono essere trasmessi al o tramite il Sito Web; (i) qualsiasi errore o omissione in qualsiasi contenuto o per qualsiasi perdita o danno subiti a seguito dell’uso di qualsiasi contenuto pubblicato, inviato via email, trasmesso o altrimenti reso disponibile attraverso il Sito Web; (l) e/o la condotta diffamatoria, offensiva o illegale di qualsiasi Utente o di terzi.

Il Sito Web potrebbe in modo occasionale o non occasionale riportare link ad altri siti terzi di organizzazioni, enti o altro. Kosmeo non può essere ritenuta responsabile del loro contenuto e/o dai servizi da essi offerti né di eventuali danni subiti dal loro utilizzo. Kosmeo non è altresì da ritenersi responsabile della raccolta dei dati, del trattamento dei dati e della sicurezza dei dati dei siti terzi proposti.

L’Utente si impegna a difendere, manlevare e tenere indenne Kosmeo da e contro qualsivoglia rivendicazione o pretesa, danno, obbligazione, perdita, responsabilità, onere o debito e spesa, compresi, senza alcuna limitazione, oneri e spese legali derivanti da una o più violazioni dei presenti Termini e Condizioni di servizio.

Fatto salvo quanto indicato al punto 8. dei presenti Termini e Condizioni generali d’uso in tema di applicabilità della sola legge italiana e dell’esclusività del Foro di Milano, qualsiasi limitazione di responsabilità contenuta nei presenti Termini e Condizioni generali d’uso si applica nei limiti massimi consentiti dalla legge nella giurisdizione eventualmente applicabile, indipendentemente dal fatto che la presunta responsabilità derivi da contratto, atto illecito, negligenza, responsabilità oggettiva o da qualsiasi altro fondamento, anche se Kosmeo era stato avvisato della possibilità del verificarsi di tale danno. Alcune giurisdizioni non consentono l’esclusione o la limitazione dei danni collaterali e consequenziali, pertanto le limitazioni o esclusioni contenute nel presente scritto potrebbero non applicarsi all’Utente. Questi Termini e Condizioni generali d’uso conferiscono all’Utente diritti legali specifici e l’Utente potrebbe godere di altri diritti che variano da giurisdizione a giurisdizione. Le deroghe, esclusioni o limitazioni di responsabilità previste da questi Termini e Condizioni generali d’uso non si applicano oltre i limiti obbligatori previsti dalla legge applicabile.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

Kosmeo is the owner or exclusive licensee of all rights, titles, trademarks, designs, graphics, source codes, online forms, software, and other intellectual property rights existing and/or connected to the Website and its contents. The intellectual property includes texts, images, audio and video clips, and any other content published on the Website; these are protected by copyright laws and conventions worldwide, and all rights are reserved. Where Kosmeo is not the owner, it enjoys the right of exclusive use.

Compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use allows for the viewing, downloading, printing, and use of the Website content for personal use, provided that:

(a) Kosmeo is always recognized as the owner or sole holder of the exploitation, including economic, of the content; it is mandatory to preserve and reproduce any intellectual property rights notices present in the material downloaded from the Website; (b) The User does not use the content for commercial purposes;
(c) The User does not modify the Website's content in any way; and (d) The User does not modify the content and uses all illustrations from the Website and other visual content together with the accompanying text.

The User must not use the Website content in a manner incompatible with these Terms and Conditions of Use unless obtaining written consent from Kosmeo. Printing, copying, or downloading any part of the Website in violation of these Terms and Conditions of Use will result in the termination of the User's right to use the Website, and the User must, based on Kosmeo's decisions, return all copies made of the material in question.

7. General Provisions

If one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Use are found invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain valid and effective.

The failure by Kosmeo to exercise or enforce any right or provision in these Terms and Conditions of Use does not constitute, nor can it be interpreted as, a waiver of such right or provision.

Except as expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions of Use, nothing contained herein is intended to confer any rights or benefits to anyone other than the User or Kosmeo.

These Terms and Conditions of Use set forth the terms of the agreement between the User and Kosmeo and supersede any prior agreements, conditions, warranties, and/or representations.

Kosmeo has the right to suspend the User's access to the Website for violations of these Terms and Conditions of Use. Additionally, the User or Kosmeo may terminate the agreement under these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time by giving written notice to the other party. In such a case, the User must immediately cease using the Website.

8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions of Use and any disputes arising directly or indirectly from them are governed by and interpreted solely according to Italian law. Any disputes arising from or related to these Terms and Conditions of Use or, in general, to the Website and its use will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Milan.

Vers. March 2024


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including islands


Shipping cost is 6 Euros.
With purchases over 120 Euros,
shipping is free


All cosmetics are
made in Italy

Kare 2024 @ All rights reserved. P.IVA 06983050961