Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for the Processing of Personal Data on the Kareitaly Website by Kosmeo s.r.l.

This privacy notice is provided in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 ("GDPR") and the currently applicable provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (known as the "Privacy Code") to inform the User-Data Subject of the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") about the processing of personal data carried out during navigation. This document may undergo modifications due to changes in the purposes of processing, updates to data protection regulations, or technological advancements. In such cases, updated versions will be made public on this Website.

Owner of the Data Processing. The Owner of the data processing is KOSMEO s.r.l., with registered office at Cesano Maderno (MB) 20811, via Borromeo, 29 (hereinafter referred to as "KOSMEO" or "Owner"), and can be contacted at the email address:


Types of Data Collected. The computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of the Website may, during their regular operation, acquire specific personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information not collected to be associated with identified data subjects but which, by their very nature, could allow users to be identified through processing and association with data held by third parties. This data category includes information such as IP address, device type, unique device identifiers, browser type, general geographic location (e.g., country or city level), and other technical information. We may also collect information on how the User's device interacts with our Website, including pages visited, links clicked, date and time of request, type and size of the requested resource, and other data related to the operating system.

Purpose of Data Processing. We do not engage in covert data processing or record personal data or preferences related to the use of Website content; we do not identify or track the personal identity of those who access the Website.

The processing of navigation data is used to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website, to check its correct operation, to improve the quality of the services offered, and to optimise the website's functionality. Such data are processed with computer tools (including portable devices) strictly necessary and proportionate to ensure the security of the networks and information passing through them and in compliance with the confidentiality obligations of the Owner, as well as by adopting adequate technical-organizational security measures suited to the type of data processed. Providing such data is not mandatory; if the User decides not to provide such data, they must not browse the Website and will not be able to access its functionalities.

Legal Basis for Processing. The legal basis is the Owner's legitimate interest in maintaining the Website's security and ensuring that it is not used in ways that infringe on the rights of others or as a channel for committing illegal activities or potential fraud (see Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR and Recital 47 of the GDPR).

Data Retention. KOSMEO retains the personal data indicated above for a maximum of seven days, except when exercising the Owner's rights of defence, for which this period could be extended.

WEBSITE – "REGISTER" FORM – "LOGIN" – "Shipping Information"

Types of Data Collected

The Website has a "Register" area that allows the User to become a customer, enabling them to place orders and purchase products. This area collects the following types of data: first and last name, tax code, email address, password, and physical address (city, postal code, country, street, and house number).

Purpose of Data Processing

The purpose is to allow the User to become a customer and, therefore, to purchase the products available on the Website and have them shipped to the declared address. These data are processed with computer tools (including portable devices) that are strictly necessary and proportionate to fulfil the customer's orders, ensuring the security of the information transmitted and compliance with the owner's confidentiality obligations. To this end, the Owner adopts technical-organizational security measures appropriate to the type of data processed.

Providing these data is optional; if the User decides not to provide such data, they will not be able to purchase the products available on the Website. The User also has the option to create an account protected by a personal password, so they do not have to enter their data each time they purchase products on the Website.

Legal Basis for Processing

The processing is necessary for the execution of pre-contractual and contractual measures adopted at the request of the Data Subject/User (see Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR).

Data Retention

KOSMEO retains personal data for as long as the User remains registered or for no longer than ten years from the date of the last order or invoice. The Owner may retain the data longer if exercising its rights of defence.


What are cookies, and what are they used for?

Cookies are information (small text strings) placed in the User's browser (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.) when visiting the Website. They perform various essential functions within the network (such as computer authentications, session monitoring, storing information on specific configurations regarding users accessing the server, storing preferences, etc.). During navigation, the User may also receive cookies from different sites (so-called "third-party cookies"), set directly by the managers of those websites and used for their purposes and in the manner they define.

Types and List of Cookies Used by this Website

Different types of cookies contain different information and perform various functions (e.g., computer authentications, session monitoring, storing preferences for sending targeted advertising messages, etc.). Each cookie, in turn, contains various data (e.g., the name of the server it comes from, a numeric identifier, etc.). These data can remain on the User's device for different periods – a browser session, a few hours, several days, or longer periods.

This site uses technical cookies necessary for navigation: KOSMEO uses technical cookies necessary for navigation or to provide a service requested by the User. They are not used for additional purposes. Technical cookies are essential for the correct functioning of the Website. Some operations could not be performed without these cookies or would be more complex and/or less secure. Therefore, technical cookies are indispensable and do not require the User's consent.

This site uses third-party cookies. KOSMEO also uses Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager cookies for analytical/profiling purposes for marketing. These cookies are not necessary for the website's correct functioning and, therefore, must be activated by the user through the cookie banner.

More information about the Google cookies used on the Site can be found at the following URLs:

Methods of Processing

KOSMEO processes the data using automated tools. Regarding technical cookies, no dissemination or communication is made.

Provision of Data and Consent

Technical cookies do not require the User's consent as they are necessary for the website's correct functioning. Analytical profiling cookies for marketing purposes are unnecessary for the Website's proper functioning and must be activated by the User through the Website's cookie banner.

Duration of Cookies

Some cookies (session cookies) remain active only until the browser is closed or the logout command is executed. Other cookies "survive" the closure of the browser and are available during subsequent visits by the User. These cookies are called persistent, and the server sets their duration at the time of their creation. In some cases, a deadline is set; in other cases, the duration is up to two years. However, during navigation on this site, it is possible to interact with third-party managed sites to create or modify permanent and profiling cookies.

Disabling Cookies

Without prejudice to the above regarding cookies strictly necessary for navigation, the User can delete cookies directly through their browser. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. Below are links where you can find instructions on how to turn off cookies for the most common browsers:

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox 
Apple Safari

Comunicazione e Diffusione dei dati

KOSMEO può trasferire i dati personali dell’Utente a soggetti terzi qualificati come data processors o responsabili del trattamento dei dati per svolgere operazioni tecniche o commerciali necessarie ad eseguire le prestazioni collegate alla migliore gestione del sito (ad esempio fornitori di servizi informatici). In tali casi la comunicazione dei dati è indispensabile per soddisfare gli impegni contrattuali e per migliorare le prestazioni del sito. KOSMEO si impegna tramite accordi per il trattamento dei dati affinché i responsabili gestiscano i dati in modo adeguato e sicuro. L’Utente può richiedere l’elenco dei responsabili usando l’e-mail di KOSMEO sopra indicata. Inoltre, KOSMEO può essere tenuto a condividere i dati personali dell’Utente quando richiesto dalla legge o da un ordine della pubblica autorità o per tutelare un proprio diritto o un diritto di terze parti.

I dati sopra indicati non sono comunicati a terzi, non vi è alcuna diffusione né tanto meno alcuna profilazione, salvo quanto detto nella sezione dei cookie.

Trasferimento dei dati personali all’estero

Il Sito è ospitato su un server collocato in EU. Non vi è quindi alcun trasferimento di dati personali all’estero.

Diritti dell’interessato

L’Utente, quale Interessato, che naviga sul Sito Web ha diritto, nei limiti previsti dalla normativa sulla protezione dei dati personali, a:

  • accedere ai propri dati personali in possesso del Titolare;
  • chiederne la rettifica e/o la cancellazione (oblio);
  • chiederne la limitazione o opporsi al trattamento;
  • richiedere la portabilità dei dati;
  • proporre reclamo all'Autorità di Controllo competente (Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali –

Le richieste per l’esercizio dei diritti sopra indicati devono essere rivolte all’e-mail:

Questa informativa è aggiornata a febbraio 2024. Eventuali modifiche future apportate alla presente informativa verranno pubblicate in questa pagina. Kosmeo invita gli Utenti a prendere visione regolarmente della presente pagina, in modo da essere aggiornati in relazione ad eventuali modifiche.


Shipping throughout Italy,
including islands


Shipping cost is 6 Euros.
With purchases over 120 Euros,
shipping is free


All cosmetics are
made in Italy

Kare 2024 @ All rights reserved. P.IVA 06983050961